Sunday, March 29, 2015

Week 10 15/5s

Team-Assigned Tasks

Instructional Strategy: 100% complete, took 15 minutes. Reviewed final draft and made some suggestions.
Treatment Description and Rationale: 100% complete, took 15 minutes. Reviewed final draft and made some suggestions.
Formative Evaluation Plan: 10% complete, took 1 hour. Developed rudimentary outline. Will develop more detail as we proceed closer to the due date.
Meet with Team: 100% complete, took 2.0 hours. We discussed the instructional strategy, treatment design and rationale, treatment report, and formative evaluation plan deliverables. We discussed SCORM and eCourseware, and the plan for building content going forward.
Worked on content: 5% complete, took 5 hours
Created some possible content for Lead Instructional Designer's review.
Completed Team 15/5: 100% complete, took 15 minutes. See the team site for details.


Remembering: What did I do?

See the Team-Assigned Tasks for specifics. Additionally, I completed the assigned readings for this week. I also communicated with my team and our instructor several times throughout this week.

Understanding: What was important about what I did? Did I meet my goals?

This was a busy week; important because it marked the beginning of the content development process. This being such a vital week led to the potential for problems, based upon poor communication. The importance of communicating with my teammates in a clear way was evident.

Application: When did I do this before? Where could I do this again?

The nuts and bolts of analyses, content planning, content production, communication, and meetings are similar to other projects I have been involved with. I assume they will be similar to future projects as well.

Analysis: Did I see any patterns or relationships in what I did?

The relationship between high-quality communication and improved team performance was made obvious this week, as was the power of leading by example.

Evaluation: How well did I do? What worked? What do I need to improve?

This week was very frustrating in some ways, but ultimately quite rewarding. As I intimated above, possible problems were solved with better communication. I have learned once again that a hands-off approach of communicating will not bring about the appropriate results. Going forward, I must be more deliberate in my communication.

Creation: What should I do next? What is my plan/design?

I have just heard from the Lead Instructional Designer that about ten pages of content have been approved. Next, I will communicate with my teammates to determine the best method for creating the content and our roles in each. My plan is to be transparent and obvious in all decisions and requests, so that all team members understand what is required of them, where the project is going, and how efficiently it is arriving there.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Week 9 15/5

Team-Assigned Tasks

Content Analysis: 100% complete, took 2.3 hours total. Reviewed Lead Instructional Designer's final draft and gave feedback
Meet with Team: 100% complete, took 1.25 hours. We discussed the content analysis, instructional strategy, treatment design and rationale, and treatment report deliverables.
Completed Team 15/5: 100% complete, took 15 minutes. See the team site for details.


Remembering: What did I do?

See the Team-Assigned Tasks for specifics. Additionally, I completed the assigned readings on SCORM and engaged my team members in conversation on that subject.

Understanding: What was important about what I did? Did I meet my goals?

The importance of all that I did this week is the same: the last pieces are falling into place to allow for the initial development of the curriculum. My goals were few this week (the past three weeks have been relatively slow ones for me), and all were met.

Application: When did I do this before? Where could I do this again?

These meetings and analyses are becoming more and more regular throughout this semester. I'm sure similar meetings will occur through the remaining weeks

Analysis: Did I see any patterns or relationships in what I did?

We are entering a period in which the preliminary analyses are completing, allowing for development steps to be taken. The gradual progression from nascent thought to completed product is continuing.

Evaluation: How well did I do? What worked? What do I need to improve?

I think I did okay this week, though again suffered from a lack of tasks to complete. My task is to create a presentation on what SCORM can accomplish for our next team meeting. I feel that our meetings have gone well and our team on task. I am not aware of areas in need of obvious improvement.

Creation: What should I do next? What is my plan/design?

My plan for this week is to have an early meeting, in which the Instructional Strategy and Treatment Design and Rationale are reviewed, and SCORM is considered. We will finalize the first two deliverables at this time, and develop a list of learning objects to create.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Week 8 (Spring Break) 15/5

Team-Assigned Tasks

Content Analysis: 60% complete, took 2.2 hours. Reviewed Lead Instructional Designer's second draft and gave feedback
Meet with Team: 100% complete, took 0.75 hours. We discussed the content analysis and instructional strategy deliverables.
Completed Team 15/5: 100% complete, took 15 minutes. See the team site for details.


Remembering: What did I do?

See the Team-Assigned Tasks for specifics.

Understanding: What was important about what I did? Did I meet my goals?

It's always important to meet together with the team and discuss the deliverables. The feedback I gave on the content analysis was, hopefully, helpful to the team.

Application: When did I do this before? Where could I do this again?

Feedback, both written and verbal, play a vital role in all projects and person-to-person interactions. Its a ubiquitous life thing.

Analysis: Did I see any patterns or relationships in what I did?

The production, feedback, revisions schedule is becoming more definitive.

Evaluation: How well did I do? What worked? What do I need to improve?

Apart from being tired during our team meeting (and thus more likely to remain passive), there were no major concerns or areas for improvement this week. I had little to do, which helped.

Creation: What should I do next? What is my plan/design?

Post-Spring-Break Week will start with a bang. Upon receiving a final draft of the content analysis from the Lead Instructional Designer, I will forward on to the Client and Sponsor for comments and approval. Our team will begin producing both the instructional strategy and treatment rationale, and I will help edit those documents. We are currently about one week ahead on production of deliverables, a place at which I would like to stay.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Week 7 15/5

Team-Assigned Tasks

Project Plan: 100% complete, took 8.1 hours total. Received sign-off from the client. Updated the project plan with her suggestions.
Content Analysis: 50% complete, took 2 hours. Reviewed Lead Instructional Designer's draft and gave feedback
Meet with Team: 100% complete, took 0.75  hours. We discussed the content analysis and instructional strategy deliverables.
Completed Team 15/5: 100% complete, took 15 minutes. See the team site for details.


Remembering: What did I do?

See the Team-Assigned Tasks for specifics. I also completed my assigned reading.

Understanding: What was important about what I did? Did I meet my goals?

The particular ebb and flow of the project left me with relatively little to do this week. I feel that I gave some detailed and quality feedback on the content analysis, and had a productive meeting with the team. My goals were, therefore, met.

Application: When did I do this before? Where could I do this again?

This kind of analysis and team meeting comprises the routine parts of a project, so I am not being facetious to say that I have done this numerous times before, and will again in the future.

Analysis: Did I see any patterns or relationships in what I did?

Our team is settling into a nice groove. Meetings are to-the-point and task-focused. Material production is on-time.

Evaluation: How well did I do? What worked? What do I need to improve?

By staying relatively "hands-off" this week (possible due to my reduced responsibilities in all open deliverables), things ran very smoothly. I don't see any areas for improvement, just because I didn't have much to do this week.

Creation: What should I do next? What is my plan/design?

I will review the treatment design material created by Deborah and give some good, detailed suggestions. I will meet with the group on Thursday to discuss the development of the content.