Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What do faculty think of online learning?

I've seen some resistance among faculty members to the implementation of new teaching techniques, particularly those that flip the classroom, using Internet-based education.  Many members of faculty seem resistant to change, while others have good reasons to oppose using such techniques (at least, it seems so upon initial presentation of their arguments).

As I have studied flipped classroom techniques, I have begun to understand how they can be used in ways and situations that are not initially obvious to the uninitiated.  So, I became curious if any research had been done to assess what Faculty think about Internet-based education, and if there are techniques that can be used to effectively convince faculty to give them a try.

This presentation was given in March of this year at The SoTL Commons, a conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Savannah, Georgia.  It can be found here.  It assesses faculty attitudes toward Internet-based education, actual faculty use of such techniques, and understanding of which courses are suitable and unsuitable for flipping.

They found that faculty tended to declare certain courses as unsuitable for online education, based mainly upon the laboratory component or assessment not being conducive to such a delivery modiality, or because the faculty member thought that student interaction was too important.  Slight majorities of faculty had favorable attitudes towards flipped education.

I was surprised that course content was not reported as a major objection.  When I was first considering such instruction, I rejected it, because of the large amount of content that I had to cover.  Though I now understand how classroom flipping can effectively cover large quantities of material, at the time, I considered that a major problem with flipped education.  Apparently my objection was an isolated one, if these findings can be effectively extrapolated to the general population.

Khalid, A., Stuzzman, B., Colebeck, D., Sweigert, J., Chin, C., & Daws, L. B. (2013, March). Flipped Classroom or Flipped Out? Professors Attitudes Towards Online Learning. Paper presented at the meeting of The SoTL Commons, Savannah, GA. Retrieved on November 22, 2013, from

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